....I've got 2 stacks of uni admission stuff...hahaha...so much things to read up about la.haha. Got a phone call 2 days ago form nus and they offered me wat i wanted in the first place. Tisktisk..but the thing is my first reaction was not overjoy but blur. All of a sudden i'm hot property..haha. But in the end decided to go nus. Psycho-ed myself for SADM...now have to psycho back to nus haha... I wonder wat they saw in me. ( yes i noe..insecurities creepin in again)...As in i didnt do well in my As...i onli went for the amplitude test...hmmhhmm..And my ntu engin. cousin offered me him "well wishes". Maybe its not that bad despite the fact that all i heard is that archi is very chiong and forever busy. Owell, time will tell yeah.
....Some of my guy friends POP-ed...now havin break..and man were they over the moon. Hahaha...good luck guys..you all still have another year plusplus..heehee.
Whole of next week i'm not goin for work..hahaha..except for the 1st two days..heehee...this job will remind me so much of wat we do in council. Meeting up with beloved aunt, frens.........heehee. Its goin to be good...SF havent decided yet...tisktisk..and she havent send me her layout yet...better hurry girl...dateline coming liaoz. Actually, i'm always in touch with the councilors...but onli like SF from my cls... wats up man...wat happen to all the cls gatherings?...hahah..soon k guys. o o....i was so tempted to change my phone la... coz my another counsin just got a new V3....but i havent yet.....ren (tolerance)..hahaha
So this was an update on a sunday afternoon....goin to run my fingers on the piano now...heehee...ciao..luv ya