Haji Lane
After a day of walk and talk...
i realise there are unexplained places of where i got my bruises..hehe
i also realise we are all human after all...destiny....
Friday, February 18, 2005
Destiny n. fate; one's future destined by fate.Fate n a power thought to control all events, a person's destiny.These are the words taken from my oxford english dictionary. Destiny a tiny word that is so hard to comprehen. Even the dictionary seems abit ambiguous. Destiny is our mask. A pathetic excuse for all that we failed to achieve. Conveniently, we put the burden of fault and mistakes on what seems an uncontrollable force. Perhapes we ache for comfort and redemption in all we do, and once we are unable to convince ourselves we are self-worthy, we blame it on poor fate. Think abit closer and harder, and you will realise that fate is innocent.Are will afraid of destiny? The confrontation with fate is not something anybody can endure. You need the courage. To be able to take control of it or rather face it. 'It is destiny' - phrase of the weak human heart! 'It is destiny' - dark apology for every error! The strong and virtuous admit no destiny."-E. R Bulwer-Lytton. Taking destiny into your own hands; do you dare?, In a world where most of us aren't even able to face it.Sow an act...reap a habit; Sow a habit...reap a character; Sow a character...reap a destiny. Destiny is not a stranger. However, its the better of ourselves. Every action every thought,even the impetuous ones. result in destiny. Perhapes destiny is just our true self and all that what life have given us.Embrace destiny and forgive fate for most if not all are your own doing. Destiny is god-sent, as are we. Don't blame it, face it wholeheartedly. Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, do so with all your heart. At such you will realise that fate or destiny could be your lifetime companion. :)