Thursday, November 02, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Not good enough....
...Wat the....Stop tryin to show off wat you can do. Yeah yeah, i odd to be impressed coz u r nt a aki student. I dun come home enough..does it mean i dun matter tt much any more. Yesh, perhaps i'm nt gd enough, i'm putting myself though work coz i choose to and u think its not a wise move. Yesh i'm not good enough, i shdnt hav done this, i shd hav been that. Dun bother den. Watever. Yesh, we dunno how lucky we are. Yesh we havent been through worst.Yesh u knoe the best for my lifestyle. Yesh the rest agrees with you. Yesh, go ahead do it the way u what to. Yesh, i'm a nobody.
Angst: someone ate my bread again and i cant complain. Already bought a couple more and they are still gone. Not one, not two...all of them. Mummy say it will be rude to label my name on it. i will do it the next time. wth. 2 more wks to submission and the term seems to be comin to an end....
Gender: Masculine Usage: English Pronounced: FOR-est From a surname meaning "forest" in Old French, originally belonging to a person who lived near a forest.
Angst: someone ate my bread again and i cant complain. Already bought a couple more and they are still gone. Not one, not two...all of them. Mummy say it will be rude to label my name on it. i will do it the next time. wth. 2 more wks to submission and the term seems to be comin to an end....
Gender: Masculine Usage: English Pronounced: FOR-est From a surname meaning "forest" in Old French, originally belonging to a person who lived near a forest.