Friday, July 28, 2006
"It doesnt mean when people support u, they love you. Sometimes it just means that you are helpless"-eddie said to terri hatcher in desperate housewives. Gosh...this makes things difficult. So when do u really knoe when pple do things out of love and not just because u asked them to or the fact tt you are just helpless. Perhaps its tt look in the eye, that simple gesture or those simple words. Hmm. Cheesecake...nt just any cheescake but the one above. Its the little things tt count, although the big ones cannot be ignored, like the raspberry beneath it, the white chocolate above it...hehe..So when i say thank you to my costume girls...i mean it. I noe i'm not there always...sorry...Same to k, i noe i didnt go to all yr mambo sessions..too busy la..hehe..To 03s72...sorry..if aki wasnt as tiring..i will be there as SF 26th..yeah..will be seeing some of u soon..thank goodness for those mini gatherings although it is literally impossible to get everyone down..hehe
Argh sch is starting soon, can u believe it!!! If seeing is believe...i guess i hav to with the timetable on my table. At least this holiday was quite fun...with hk trip..with foc...with rag..with goshD.. :) Went mustafa my socks man tt place. They hav everything...and its cheap..of course quality not included. Not to mention the clumpsy incidents i have there. Only to realise that i do hav a cut ( a very small one la) from it. Told my mum, and she wonders why i'm a girl in the first place. I cant stand couples or families in the same outfits...its embarrassing. Its a lack of creativity coz u jus basically jus put everyone with the same thing. None-the-less, i bought matching t-shirts for my cousins..coz i noe the mother likes it. :P I need to paint..but i cant start. I need to rag..but i cant put my foot to it. I need to stone/play ...but i dun hav time for it. Tsktsk...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
We all exist different people
existing differently
I'm never the kind that forces people to do things. It should come naturally to them..thus making their actions more of an initative and more sincere. So when my costume girls work, i feel bad. Cause they have a choice not to care, its not their obligation. Sigh, u dun want rag to make me a bad "boss/head", putting friendship in jeopardy. Too sensitive?..maybe..i dunnno. A friend of mine was jus talking to me about his problematic relationship, owell, i think he will swear off women for awhile.
We all hav different priorities in our lives. We place pple in almost the same way as well,some more important than the other. Sometimes we get them mixed up. Yes....we all exist. But differently to different people. How u place people in your life and how people place you. Both, i believe is in your own hands. You can choose not to care about someone, you can choose to just let fate do its job or you can choose to take a step forward. All these decisions are based on our judgement,intuition, reasoning and liking. On the other hand, how u treat people, will decide how u are placed on their list. Not like its of any importance to you, but as usual, importance is relative. Say for example: my fren did all he think a guy shd do to chase tt girl but alas...So moral of the story: you are as important as u want yourself to be. So how do u think you exist?
We are like car parks sometimes, underrated. People, like cars, just come and go. They never stay forever, do they? You are just a temporary parking space, a space for rent. We all have a "car park" of our own. Some cars leaving a scar...some permanently damaging us...some we will remember for the rest of our lives. Then, there are some tt park there forever. What i think is important is tt our car park shd be open all the time no matter how reluctant we might be...coz who knoes?....the next car tt comes in might just park there permanently. :)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
A dose of reality....
A day was spent with the adults. As they talked about and all. Realising how some people are not efficient at all. Case 1 : A property agent when letting people( potential buyer ) view the house, did not even bother opening the windows to show how ventilated the whole is.Dump! When asked of the details of the house ie how high the ceiling much is maintence...they do not know. I mean isnt it your job...what happen to your homework..out of 10 qns 9 she couldnt answer...!!! Case 2 : If the whole property mkt is on the rise and your client's tenant wants a cut in rental OF COURSE its a no! You shd be helping your client to make more $ plus its not as if the rise in property is a secret to everyone..Wake up pple!!!...You wun survive if you are anywhere else man. My uncle frm hk was complainin how inefficient pple slow they seem to be...hmmm. Also being amongst the adults as they visit houses make me realise what are the things pple do not like and what not the design or bulit i guess...hahaha
From mysterious bruises comes mysterious cuts....weird. You know the bad thing about being in a big family. You kinda just disappear. Kinda like it doesnt really matter if you are there or will just be literally missed. And when u do do smthg, you hav to tell the same thing to not only your parents but also the everyone else. Den of course, there is the good side:soup and all.............
Perhaps its the way i've been nowadays.. : unimportant..missed....invisible....forgotten..unremember..
*Keep your finger and toes crossed for thurderrain and homesick please.. :P
Sunday, July 23, 2006
The urge to paint....
I use to do it every time the holidays comes. Switch on the radio and just paint the whole day through and through. Now i have the urge to paint...again...the last time i painted was for my P3.
This time....a bigger scale!!!!
Receiving mail via nus mail is stressful. The unfortunate reminder that school is indeed starting in less den a month!!! AH!!!!!!! This is a list of to dos before school starts..gotta make me to join me? :P
1) Go botanical gardens..dun ask me why...i just have an urge to go there la...
2) Paint..!!! But where is the time?...
3) Watch more plays....which i will with homesick and all ard the corner..!!!
4) Remember to bid on CORS for myself and drea...cant depend on lloyd all the time sia..especially now tt he's..*ahem
5) Meet up with friends...which i will..with steph's bdae coming soon...
6) Lunch....?
Sigh so much to do so little time!!!....not to mention rag!!! thurderrain...and homesick..siao la..
Cheer me!!! today..tomorow...always!