ah...its getting cold...
Yes...is the temperature dropping?....or so says this board found next to a bus stop. Indeed, in times like this ( holidays and jobs...) everyone seems very unattached to one another. Everyone is minding their own business, not like there is anything wrong with that, but but how about those ard u? Sigh, we always want pple ard us to take the first step, to ask, to initate. Why not you? Hence i've given up, tired of being disappointed by different people. After awhile u realise u care or give more attention...but...wats the point?... No bothers anyway right? Despite all the disappointing people, there are those who are supportive all the time, those who are there without u asking..those who do help you..those who do appreciate your existence.
So which are u on?
Just do it. In name of the nike slogan, the whole orchard was covered by foot today. Its not as if we hav never done it, its the circumstances which got us walking that was quite queer. Bus 14 took such a long time to arrive i literally knitted. Tsktsk. Got excited about moving to a new place after visiting ikea 2day. Must be the whole design streak. You must understand my family never really believe in hiring a designer...we do it ourselves. :) May 2nite be a cozy night to rest all the tired bodies and may 2morow's dawn be a sight of new hope and aspiration.