...Sounds like a line taken off the movie starwars? Nope, its not. Its actually what i picked up from my work stunt for The Event Company. Amazingly, i was able to learn more in one day than my 2 years worth of GP lessons. AMED ( Asia- Middle East Dialogue ) was held today at Shangri- La. After waking at 6 o'clock this morning i am surprised that i'm actually writting this. I've learnt more about the middle-east than i thought i will and learnt more about terrorism than my 2 years of college GP lessons. Of course, some credit must go to GP, as without it, i will not be forced to read about current affairs and develop a queer interest in it. I realise what government officials debate about in their board rooms is actually similar to what we discuss in our classrooms. They discuss about the definition of terrorism, whether millitary force is the right method, the causes of this phenomenon and ,of course ,how to deal with it......
Reading deeper into it, i realise what seemingly is meaningless and mundane is actually part of the bigger picture. Just like how spaces form rooms...rooms make a building...buildings shape a city...and cities connect the world. Perhapes everything has a part to play, no matter how small or simple it is. Look up, the azure space above called the sky connects all of us together. Therefore, there is a need to care, a need to share...a need for you to try. Just a bit of amour propre and you will be able to give it in return. So love yourself and be grateful and know that the capacity to do good or evil is, indeed, a choice.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Heated delusion

The sun
The blazing hot sun is definately increasing my body temperature, i feel as if i'm in an oven, being baked. Argh....as much i like the sun the sand and sea....this is not the way to enjoy the heat.Haha....This week i made new friends and meet up wilth the old ones. The two days work stunt at the Ritz allowed me to get myself acquainted with some older people......at the same time make some $..haha. When bowling with auntie nat.....met up with dear yixian.....SF the nxt..heehee..After watch Mr and Mrs Smith i feel like watching Batman Begins. heard it's pretty good. Had a gathering at nat's house yesterday, a surprise farewell for dear sherilyn...sigh..daniel and thinesh was pigging out at the food...me and shiang had to roast a chicken..the guys talked about their Ns lives ( wat life?!!)...haha...even tried my hand at drums..hmmhmm..not bad. Its nice..very nice indeed coz the turn out was quite big ( quite impossible for everyone to make it la )..And everyone got to catch up with whoever they want to...heehee..
Its inevitable that as human being we all make mistakes. Sometimes we are forgiven...most o f the times we are are haunted by them. Perhapes, if we could be forgiven, or rather, the mistake forgotten, we might not have to live with the aftermaths of it. " It was not a mistake....it was a choice"- Do we ever have a choice. I made mistakes, but the choice of whether to face it or to live in denial is always a choice. Although, people or time, will start to judge and critize us. We become wary of our environment...we fear...its becomes a habit....we form boundaries. As much as memories are chronicles to our lives...mistakes vitally play a part too. Sometimes i fear people people that are too close to me, i'm scared of the things they might do to me. They might just leave .. betray.. abandon me. Taking with them a huge piece of me. i believe in the notion " I can't give what i don't have "/ " You can't lose what you don't have ".......