Can't find in spore
There have always been wants and needs. Most of the time we find that we have to compromise on the both resulting in a wish or a desire to obtain what we missed. I’ve recently been to Beijing. Yes! It was freezing but it was also an experience one can never have in Singapore. I did have fun : eating, freezing, shopping, freezing, visiting places, freezing, skiing….hehe. Sigh, I have always liked winter wear, perhaps its because I can never really wear them…haha. So in this case there is only one way: if u can move/change the environment, move/change yourself. Hence the tiny desire to work abroad next time…hahah…So Brad Pitt isn’t goin to come to u………………………go to him….hahaha
Even for partners, there is something about that someone that you just cant get your hands on….that mystery, that curiosity, that vision…. In that sense is good that they just remain a stranger to u la. Hehe Close proximity or understanding will just spoil all the fun.
One man’s trash, another man’s treasure. Same here. One man’s attainable, another man’s unattainable. Perhaps having the unattainable-s makes us work harder, gives us a sense of motivation and teaches us to be humble. But, hey, unattainable-s is just a word in construction…….hehe. Cheers