...Ah!!!Ah!!!.6 more days to submission and my design looks like Tod's by Toyo Ito ( famous japanese architect). Sigh. i must say, i've never been this pushed before, perhaps its the new tutor. Despite he's bad reputation, he is not bad at all. But life is not just abt studio...there are other modules...there are friends ( sorry bernie for not being able to go to your play), there are family....and there is shopping...!!! Need to compensate....haahahah
I realise pple hav been missing and i dun blame them as any ship, especially relationships, shd be a two way thing. He is back in mel but misses her like mad...argh...i hate him.....period...*sigh...(breaking new year resolution again) Den of course, there are those u dun get to c too often because of their commitments.
Caught a few eye candies, but they are just like window shopping. Can c cannot touch, not like i knoe them of course. Realise a serious lack of dudes in spore for the amount of pretty girls there are.Hahaha.
And so the day looms closer again. Valentine's is coming. Argh....every cover of every magazine has a feature on it....its driving me nuts....Argh...!!!!~where hav all the gd man gone??
*Sigh......i'm tired, although i dun show it. Someone....anyone tell me i'll be ok....
ps: Desperate housewives and grey's anatomy are fantastic....makin monday nights busy for my eyes...hehehe