Live it up. When we are disappointed, confused or even worried we will have to live it up. Easier said than done! I know but I guess we all have to try. As for now, a couple of weeks before my end of semester exams, I’m still clueless as to what to study. Screwed?..haha perhaps. The only dateline to me now is 7 nov. The guilty pleasures of chasing the tv show lost has made me wonder how interconnected we are. How everyone is connected unknowingly through people or familiar faces. Its times when conversations turn dry when I start to get a little worried. Are we all too well interacted?…Do we need new friends? Or is it a kind of comfort silence? Getting a bit dry, that’s wat I’m afraid. The day when u start to find one another no longer interesting and your eyes and heart starts to wonder. Hmmm my reluctance to commit too much. Perhaps that my own opinion of myself is the boundary. I’m too aware, too sensitive?… gosh I dunno. Have always and will always be , kinda, one of the guys. And girls too. Hmm. I seem to b able to blend myself with the two sexes. Hmmm … I wonder whether this is working for or against me. I’m not the typical kind where guys will go ga-ga over I guess. ( ps: always the one who will tease and intro them the girls…not to mention hang and watch cars or soccer..hmmhm) So welcome to the spinster club. Or rather welcome to the Shelf.
False hope vs. hope. Jack from Lost was accused by his father for not giving enough hope. But he didn’t see the point of giving hope if its false. People live on hope. A hope where 2morow will be a better day, when all we wanted will be a step closer to us. Ha. Hope?. Is there a difference if its false ? Can we live on something that has at least a 50% chance of not happening. Sceptical? Yes, perhaps. But just think about it. There is no money back guarantee for hope, we either believe it or we don’t.