My relationship with money is a love and hate one. Its like a love affair. If you take it too seriously its no fun. If you don't take it seriously, it will break you heart. In a world of commericalism, money strives. Or rather, money, makes the world go round. You get treated better with more of get more power with every extra zero you add to your bank even get more respect as money does not come easy to anyone. Respect, is to a certain extent, no longer the measurement of your character but the measurement of your bank account. Sad?...Pathetic?...But true. Of course, others argue for notions such as love. Scarce, love was once. Now, even Donald Trump is on to another marriage. Love, now, seems a mere complement to the wealthy. Cynical i might be, unless you can convince the contrary to me, try to just take it in. Money have always been a tacky issue, but with globalisation, the situation nowadays is just absurd. Perhapes wealth is just part of the whole package which includes ambition, success and satisfaction. Or maybe it's the way we place the role of the money.
Fr., L'argent est un bon serviteur, mais un mechant maitre. ( Money is a good servant but a bad master.)..We can make use of it but not let it take control. Or maybe its how we make use of our wealth : " Money is like muck, not good except it be spread."- Francis Bacon.
This brings me to my next point- generosity. The thing is. this could be done with or without money. As i say, you cant give something you dont have. Even without the huge bank account, you can continue to be giving. Even if you are rich, it doesnt mean you necessary want more, but you can definately give more. Perhapes our motive behind all the riches should be generosity. As the rule of economics goes..more demand than supply therefore resulting in scarcity. It is because of this, we are bought up to be able to survive in this dog-eat-dog world. Its the reason we study so hard...the reason y we strive to be the best. To survive..the most basic of instincts. With this, we aim higher, to enrich ourselves and full ourselves with knowledge and love......
So ,when its comes to money,.............its your take.