Just when everything is starting to be comfortable, its going to change. School of design and environment sweeped 5 awards yesterday including best design. Of course i'm happy, but the tell you the truth i would have been happy even if we won none. Its not the destination, its the journey. Being acquainted with so many people within this period of time is the most rewarding. Then reality surfaced, school is starting. Its daunting, and i dun really knoe y. Perhapes i'm not ready, perhapes ...perhapes.
I've been told not to doubt myself, but i cant help it. So many 'what if' questions in my head. Too many. The world we live in is very queer, a world in continuous creation and therefore continuous change and insecurity. A world where the best moments have to end even if you beg them not to.
My mum give me one of her talks today. The be-cautious-about-your-friends one. I know what she means...i totally comprehend. When you meet more people you find out that the world is a much more confusing and complicated place than you like it to be. And you realize, that singapore is actually smaller then you think. Haha. Anyways, i was having lunch with her at NYDC when i saw the tiredness in her...the wrinkles..blahblah. She loves the fact that i make more friends and is glad that i do. But sometimes .. i wish i had more time. To share...to accompany ...to spend...to watch.. the people around me grow and behave. Frankly speaking, a couple of my friends and love-ones are not always in their best state when they see me. They have, most of the time, too much to handle. They come to me most when they need someone, to talk to..for advice...for laughter...for a hug. Hmm....i see my best-friend once in a year...but she never fails to miraculously appear when i need her. Talking about she...i wonder where she is now....haha. My dad just pop-ed in to ask me why am i not watching soccer...haha....ok then i'm off to channel surf the television. PS : make time for those you care about......
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