Havent blogged for ages. The pile of workload seems to be endless. Whilst shopping with my old friends last..last week, i realise the sharp difference between us as we are now in different places. There is, of course, the Ns pple, those who can carry tote bags to school and pple who hardly have time for everything and anything. Perhapes i miss their presence. The nice comfort. Not to mention the no-stress feeling around them. Actually, its not so much of the content of what we are learning, instead its the speed/rate at which we are learning it. I wun complain. I can't. I'm not allowed to. Though pen and paper, thats the best way i express myself...... period. Although my sketching sux...so much so that my sketching teacher told me i could do better after the 1st lesson. Ha Ha.
I try to expect nothing and hence be indifferent to everything. Sometimes, most of the time it doesnt work. I can't do it. Somethings too much to us : And those are the things/ people that leaves you shattered....always. Some are faster in picking up themselves, but scars are inevitable. Maybe we learn, once biten twice shy. Things seem so much clearer and simpler when we was younger. I miss those days. Where there was a distinct line between black and white. Nowadays, very is a blur, a grey. And it sure isn't helping when you are too busy to tell night from day.
If theres only 6 degrees between each of us in this world, do you know the person beside you? Or maybe the one in front of you. Can you be me?...will you ? I've learnt to take a day at a time, trying not to rush for things and trying to meet datelines...hehe. Time now seems to be evolving around nothing but paper, pencil and ink...illiterally..haha. Auntie Nat messaged me today. I can't seem to tell her everything through sms, so i called her instead. Sigh..she actually noes my tutor ju meng.....singapore yet again getting smaller..haha.
As the weekend is around the corner, i'll take in all the rest i can or so i hope. hehe. Hopefuly all my dear frens will do the same. For sleeping on your mattress is one of the luxuries in this world. Lets take a step at a time, taking our time to smell the flowers along the way. At the end of the journey, we will all take everything in and look back with a smile on our faces. Cheers.....
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