at dusk
The holidays make people more emotional I feel. With all the thanksgiving, the festive joy and the sharing of presents, it all rounds up the past 360 days. My recent trip and after-thoughts during the holidays made me feel small, like the world is too big for me. Not to mention that the release of the first semester results did help in making me feel smaller. I have full empathy for those who gave but are not given. Many what-ifs and doubts did pop in my head as I was stitching away. Perhaps it wasn’t meant to be. In our quest in life, we meet many of whom are better or more talented than you. And u, well, u just want to fit in.
Been doing some planning for a newsletter and a bash recently and I realize how important it is to know the right people and that your team is important. I don’t want a revolution, I jus want an improvement. Sure, I’ll be judged and measured amongst the rest for all that I put my name to. I can’t help it. I wasn’t born to please everyone. Yet, then again, no one has ever pleased me.
*Take from the taker, Give to the giver....
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