Apathy is a problem with alot of people. So hard to get them to care...why why why..tsktsk. They show no signs of concern nor care..why why why....Dun you understand that the basis for human relation is communication...argh...If u are nt interested let it be known....gosh.!
Anyways, i have AR tomorrow. For those who still dunno, its the study of things like floors, roofs..blah blah..things we often take for granted..hehe. Reading and study is getting harder...is it a sign of fatigue or jus the fact tt i've turned 20....goshgosh....no....must grow old gracefully..hehe
Sunday's paper was a sad one...with depressing stories on Joan and Eugene. Eugene a CEO of one of America's biggest accountancy firms did this circle thingy. Where u draw circle within a circle. The outer circle is for your hi-bye frens.....as you process inwards...the closer the more important the people they to you. That will make family and those chosen few to be in the inner most one right...!? You will soon realise you spend alot of them actually with the 2nd or 3rd most inner circle pple. That was smthg Eugene realise and regretted as he was left with a month worth of his life.
So.....when will you learn how to care like life is to be cherish.... :)
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