This must be one of the most boring bdaes...perhaps its because last year i had a party and the agony that this might go on for 4 years. Carol ( my cousin-in law) , whom i was tokin to on msn, told me that time will fly when u are in your twenties...when there are multiple life-changing decisions to make. Recall: she married my cousin in her twenties and gave birth to the cutest thing as well. Pressuring me to get attached?...while, I , on the other hand pressurin her to add to her bundle of joy.....hehe.........
"Life is can one choose....wat is the basis of tt.? What happend to the one who loses...doesnt anyone feel for her. We cant just abandon her. Let her go? ....If love were enough.i'll be where ever u are. What u dun noe wun hurt u?...Is it better to be in the dark? But in the dark there maybe fear, but there is also hope. Something the truth might not bring."
- Grey's anatomy
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