" Maybe you are too nice. People take advantage of u when u are too nice. They step all over you, not taking you seriously. They make fun of you not knowing your boundaries. So what if you put pple before you, so what if you are sensitive to them? Do they do the same to u? ( But we are all wired differently wat..) You are happy go lucky all the time, pple take advantage of your cant-say-no character hence you are always tired. People might treat you nice becoz they pity you. ( aiyo why you so cyncial).Not only one physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. You just keep giving. Den when you are disappointed..u are really disappointed coz u try to please everyone..How about yourself?...Does anyone care if u reach home safe? Do they wish you goodnight? Do they treat you as you treat them ( But not one ever said life was fair..so i'm jus..well...unlucky to be at this end lor ..) Do they knoe when you are angry or stressed? Den when you are you try not to bother them with your problems...aiyo..den everything to yourself. Its not worth it la but i knoe you are jus instinctively like tt. ( Everyone is different..it doesnt mean they should be deprived of a little nice-ness although there are those tt i just cant bring myself to) Your new motto in life shd be: i dun give and damn..(hahaha owell..) "
If you are not anxious does it mean you cant be bother
If you dont ask does it mean you dun care
If you are indifferent to everything
What makes you treat pple any different
Theres perhaps too much apathy in people
to hav sufficient empathy..........
Listen to what you hear
Observe what you see
Understand what you know
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